Prepare To Niche Your Business Information
A Step-By-Step Training For Every Business Owner Who’s Finally Ready To Grow Their Business By Niching Down!
The #1 reason businesses don’t niche is the fear of missing out on opportunities they think they’re giving up.
However… inside this training, you’ll discover the counterintuitive reasons why “going narrower” will actually allow you to grow your business and your revenues.
Hi, I’m David Baer, creator of the Prepare To Niche 30 Day Challenge (from which the videos in this course have been excerpted), and Creative Partner at the marketing strategy firm, The Prepared Group.
If you’ve ever looked at a successful competitor and thought to yourself “why are they getting so much business?”
…chances are, a big piece of their success is because they effectively communicate what they do – and who they do it for.
Using clear, specific, and easy-to-understand language, they are able to convey their expertise, strengths, and uniqueness!
All of which results in their ability to connect with MORE of the RIGHT prospects and convert them with ease into clients, customers, or patients.
By going NARROW…
…they’re able to drive MORE BUSINESS to their door.
And if you’ve ever heard the advice that “you gotta niche down”
“The riches are in the niches…”
“Go an inch wide and a mile deep…”
Then you know what I’m going on about.
But while you’ve likely gotten this advice half-a-dozen times in the past year alone, you’ve probably been wondering…
“How, exactly, do I pick the right niche?”
That, dear business owner, is the question the videos in this Notion-based course are designed to answer for you and your business.
NOTE: This content was originally presented in the form of a 30-Day Challenge. While the Challenge is no longer being offered, you still get the benefit of the training….
You’ll be walked step-by-step through the exact same process we use to help our clients identify and zero in on one or more niches for their business to focus their marketing efforts around.
Imagine what you have to look forward to once you’ve finally taken the steps needed to properly niche down…
Not only will you be better positioned to attract more (targeted) clients, but when you make the commitment to a niche it will be so much easier to drive referral business your way too!
That’s because your clients and strategic partners will know exactly who you serve and how you serve them. That means they’ll be able to send the right people your way with the utmost confidence in your ability to help them.
And since the “cost” of getting referrals has been estimated to be somewhere between 5% and 20% of bringing in new business, that’s a pretty appealing concept.
Yup… niching down will actually save you money and bring more people to your business at the same time.
In other words…
You can focus your efforts on marketing to fewer people and drive more business your way.
And, just in case you’re still not 100% convinced, consider the fact that niching down can lead to…
- Bringing you more leads, more consistently
- The ability to charge more than the average for your industry, because you are viewed as a “specialist”
- Creating unique profit centers designed exclusively around the needs and desires of your target market
Here’s what you’ll learn:
- How to identify and validate profitable niche options
- The critical things you need to know about yourself and your business that will help you pick the right niche
- The best way to position your offer once you know your niche
If you’ve been flirting with the idea of niching down your business, but haven’t taken action yet…
This video training can provide you with a clear path to increasing your revenue by narrowing your marketing focus.
Who is this course for?
Prepare To Niche Your Business is designed for business owners who are ready to grow their business by niching down. It is specifically for those who want to attract more targeted clients and increase their revenue by focusing their marketing efforts on a specific niche.
If you have ever wondered why successful competitors seem to get so much business, it is likely because they effectively communicate what they do and who they do it for. This course will teach you how to communicate your expertise, strengths, and uniqueness to connect with more of the right prospects and convert them into clients or customers.
If you have heard the advice to “niche down” or “the riches are in the niches,” but have been unsure about how to pick the right niche for your business, this course will provide you with step-by-step guidance. It will walk you through the process of identifying and validating profitable niche options, understanding yourself and your business to make the right niche choice, and positioning your offer effectively.
About Author

David Baer is a seasoned veteran of the marketing industry, with experience marketing for industries ranging from classical music to wine to financial services to personal and professional development. He’s spent his professional life in the service of teaching others how to become more comfortable with things they fear… including marketing strategy and tactics, wine, and, technology.
David’s expertise is getting down to the basics of any subject matter, and helping his students and clients understand it in their own terms. David is just as adept at educating people about pairing wine with food as he is at showing small business owners how to simply and effectively market their products and services using Marketing Funnels, Facebook, LinkedIn, among other platforms and tools.
David works as a Marketing Strategist and Direct Response Copywriting Consultant. Learn more about David at and
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Salepage: Prepare To Niche Your Business – David Baer