Murder The Objection Information
To All Entrepreneurs, Marketers, and Business Owners…
How To Blow Up The Single Biggest Roadblock Standing Between You And MASSIVE PROFITS
If, After ¼ Billion In Sales And 150,000+ Customers I Had To Do It All Over Again, I’d Start With This… Weirdly, It’s The Easiest Skill Of Them All!
Selling $250 Million Of Products to 150,000+ Customers In 131 Countries Has Taught Me This…
Most will agree that selling is not very high up on the list of things we wish to do.
Yet, to have a successful business (or a successful life!)… you have to put up your big boy or girl pants and sell as much as you can and then some – because, as you know…
Nothing happens until someone sells something!
So here’s my promise to you.
- First, I’ll turn selling from a chore into something you’ll have fun with. Selling will no longer be a dirty word uttered in quiet desperation… instead you’ll want to do it, knowing full well that you’re positively adding to this world.
- Then, I’ll make people want to buy from you. I’ll give you the keys to the kingdom and I’ll clear the road for you and lay a red carpet on it for you to walk on into that kingdom. In other words, I’ll make selling EASY and FUN for you.
So no matter what business you’re in, you’re going to experience a huge boost in sales if you’re already making some… and if you’re not (yet!) then you very likely will start seeing some. Provided you act, of course.
In fact, this will change your life for the better even if you never end up starting a business.
Like it or not, our everyday lives consist of selling something to somebody… or selling someone on an idea… or selling them on a different version of themselves.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
- The 10/80/10 market segmentation theory that 1) lets you scoop up immediate sales 2) helps you hone in on the right kind of potential customers and 3) steers you clear from time-wasters who are never going to buy anyway!
- Eye-opening frame change that will remove your internal obstacles to successfully market and sell
- Why even the best, most targeted audience will say no 99.8% of the time (if you don’t do this little thing I’ll show you on day 1)
- The “Hot Model” type of close that can be either a huge blunder… or catapult your income into the next tax bracket! (Personally, I love paying more in taxes… because it means I made more money!)
- Why price is never the biggest objection – even though every Tom, Dick and Harry thinks it is. You’ll discover juicy tactics to dissipate the price objection – sometimes even without talking about it!
Are you getting excited yet? So far, I’ve covered only a tiny sliver of what awaits you inside these recordings. There’s a lot more inside! I want to you pay very close attention to bullet #2 here, by the way…
- 93.7% of the audience didn’t buy during the biggest launch in internet marketing ever – so even if you’re competing with the big dogs, I’ll show you ways to get to profitable subsegments of the audience that they walked by blindly!
- “The Drowning Prospect” approach that will keep you authentically selling for hours as money pours into your bank account, sale after sale after sale
- Why are most of my emails long – yet, at the same time, I make sure that not a single word is there on accident. Oh and you’ll also discover why I double down on this in markets where my competition is being ULTRA-stingy with words!
- A multi-million dollar webinar insight I discovered through a blunder that happened out of pure boredom
- How to give your income and your business no other choice but to grow – and how my company, Rapid Crush, Inc. and I got from low ticket infoproducts to a $9.8 million dollar affiliate promotion… to a $57 million dollar, record breaking launch. Most people will want to copy this… very few will be able to (but that might include you!)
About Author

Jason Fladlien is a well-known entrepreneur, marketer, and online business coach. He is the co-founder of Rapid Crush, an internet marketing company that provides training and tools to help people start and grow their online businesses. He is also the creator of various popular online courses and programs related to business, marketing, and sales.
Fladlien has been featured in major publications such as Forbes, CNBC, and Business Insider, and has been a speaker at numerous industry events. He is known for his expertise in copywriting, sales, and marketing, and has helped many businesses achieve success through his coaching and training programs.
Fladlien is also an author, having co-written several books, including “One to Many: The Secret to Webinar Success” and “Big Money Blueprint.” He is considered a thought leader in the online business community and continues to inspire and educate entrepreneurs and business owners worldwide.
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